
A quick, get-it-done BUSINESS MODEL workshop and template bundle

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Design (or re-design) a wildly aligned, time leveraged expertise-based business model that feels just right for you.

This is THE workshop bundle that has helped over 4000+ students reverse engineer into their *perfect fit* online education focused business model in just two hours.


Especially for current and aspiring course creators, membership site owners, coaches, group program creators, online educators, coaches and consultants ready to discover their "Goldilocks" business model; one with high profit margins, working 5-hour days and a lean team. 

Get instant access NOW!

Does This Sound Like YOU?

You HAVE or WANT a more leveraged online business.

You crave freedom, flexibility and a way to package your expertise into the kind of business that eventually delivers you time, freedom and happiness in SPADES. 


You're no stranger to creating content online, and perhaps you already have a digital course, digital product(s) or leveraged program.. but there's that niggle.

Whether it's selling like hotcakes or you're hearing crickets, something doesn't feel quiiiiite right.

Is it your offer? Your selling system? Your messaging? Or is there something BIGGER at play here? 

The Online Creator, Course Creator or Audience Builder —

Your business currently requires a whole lot of your time, you feel like you have 10 bosses (instead of the one you left your corporate job for) and your calendar is full to the brim #hellobookedoutburnout

You're SO ready to divorce your value from your time with a leveraged expertise-based business or revenue stream but you know one to many is a WHOLE different ballgame.
Can you REALLY do this (and will it ACTUALLY give me what I really want?)

The Online Service Provider, Coach, or Consultant —
1:1 is Currently Your Jam


The TRUE secret to a profitable, sustainable and highly leveraged online business that delivers time, freedom and happiness in spades, isn't:

🖤 Diving in headfirst without any clear idea of your endgame;
🖤 Following an "action plan" that doesn't align with what you actually want; or
🖤 Digging into nitty gritty online business strategy (like offer design, messaging, sales funnels or content creation) WITHOUT first aligning it with where it is you want to GO. 

Instead? It's intentionally DESIGNING (or re-designing) the business you want FIRST
(the strategy and "STUFF" comes later). Ultimately?

It's locking down your BUSINESS MODEL and ENDGAME NOW 

(whether you're starting from scratch or five years in), so that you don't spend - or continue to spend - months and years running in the wrong direction only to end up with a business you don't actually love. 

"Expertise-based online businesses" are the BEST online business model for achieving the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot. 

This could mean courses, programs, masterminds, leveraged productised services, leveraged coaching or consulting.. or a big ol' mash-up.

Here's the rub, though.

YOUR sweet spot will be unique to you (and that's kind of the point). Different models and combinations will suit different people, seasons and personal business "endgames".

Choosing intentionally, and ensuring that you end up with a business that you genuinely love, that makes real waves and that ultimately complements (and fuels) the LIFE you want.

Limited Time Price



Define your lifestyle business endgame.

Define your specific revenue enough number. 

Design (or re-design an aligned business model)

Buy Today and Save 92% ⏰

Get it Now for Today’s Price $499 $37. 

Give me two hours and I will save you at least a year spent running in the wrong direction. 

workshop 1

workshop 2

workshop 3


A one page business plan for setting clear profit, time and lifestyle goals.


A simple, powerful budget calculator for defining your enough number.


A simple planning matrix for choosing the most aligned business model for you.

A one page system for developing a talkaboutable personal brand.


A calculator for reverse engineering into a product suite to achieve your goal.


Bonus: Map your Profitable Product Suite workshop.

the workshops

the bonuses + templates

Build a personal brand that stands out.

workshop 4


Define Your

Business Model Sweet Spot

Talkaboutable Personal Brand


Here's What It Covers

The content is designed to be fast and actionable, but deeply impactful.

Create a set of "business rules" to act as decision-making guardrails as you intentionally design (or re-design) your business to suit your desired endgame. 

Discover the two business "endgame" options and decide (or re-decide) which is right for YOU (so you don't spend months and years running in the wrong direction). 

Phase One —
Clarify Your Endgame

Curiously examine every facet of your life and business, and ruthlessly audit what is (and isn't) aligned; 

Pre Work —
Decide What You Want

Action the ONE thing you must do right now to ensure you don't end up with a "fatal business model flaw" that will result in you building a business that will never achieve your Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot.

Align (or re-align) your business model and product suite to suit your unique delivery sweet spot. 

Phase Three —Find Your Business Model Sweet Spot

Get crystal clear clarity on the personal and business profit goal you need to fulfil your "Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot".

Define your "enough" revenue number, so that you're able to competently and confidently achieve it (and not a cent more — we'll explain why). 

Phase Two —
Define Your Enough

Confidently align (or re-align) your offer suite topics with a talkaboutable edge to stand out.

Zero in on the beautiful intersection between profitability AND a unique mission that truly fulfils you — rather than simply doing the thing you're "supposed to" (people can TELL when you're not white-hot passionate about what you do!)

Phase Four - Craft Your Talkaboutable Edge

Get crystal clear clarity on what you DO and DON'T want, so you are able to build an inspiring business vision to intentionally take action on.

A juicy bonus session on mapping your profitable product suite to achieve your revenue enough number without burn out.

Phase Five — Map Your Profitable Product Suite Bonus Workshop

Crystal Clear Clarity — On your desired endgame in business and in life, so you don't spend months or years running in the wrong direction (this is the most important work you will ever do). 

Accompanying Workbook — Step-by-step digital workbook with fun, actionable exercises to complete to pinpoint YOUR Sweet Spot [Value $499]

Five Modules of Lessons — Five LIVE short but thought-provoking lessons to help you design your Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot [Value $1,999]

Dream and Design Includes:


You're yet to make the leap to entrepreneurship;

You're wondering how on EARTH to swap the mind-numbing drudgery of the everyday for a life of POSSIBILITY (and the flexibility to do it all from an off-the-beaten-track Airbnb in Slovenia — or the lounge room while the baby sleeps)... when the only skill we think we have is a healthy dose of Imposter Syndrome; 

And, you're in need of inspiration (as well as a fully fleshed out "endgame" to give you to kickstart you need to get GOING in the right direction). 

Online Service Providers

Current Online Experts, Coaches, Course Creators

Aspiring Online
Business Owners

You currently have some sort of expertise-based online business - think 1:1 coaching, group program, courses, consulting.. but you're not wildly aligned with it, something (or many things!) feel off and you're lacking the freedom and flexibility you started it all for in the first place. 

You're craving a better way, and the kind of leveraged business that perfectly fits YOUR definition of the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot (instead of constantly sprinting towards a finish line with no end in sight!)

Online Service Providers

Current Online Experts, Coaches, Course Creators

Aspiring Online
Business Owners

You started your business to enjoy more freedom and time, but you’re still working 40 hour + weeks and wondering.. “where am I going wrong here?!”

You’re ready to create something leveraged (but you're not sure you want to create a "course"). Plot twist? You don't have to!

"Delivery mash ups" are the BEST way for service providers to create something leveraged and stand out; you likely already have the skills to re-align to your sweet spot with a simple, more leveraged offer suite that stands out BECAUSE it's unique.

Online Service Providers

Current Online Experts, Coaches, Course Creators

Aspiring Online
Business Owners

Who Is This For?

It's time to design (or re-design) your expertise-based online business to reach your Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot 

Limited Time Price



Define your lifestyle business endgame.

Define your specific revenue enough number. 

Design (or re-design an aligned business model)

⏰ Buy Today and Save 92%

Get it Now for Today’s Price $499 $37. 

Give me two hours and I will save you at least a year spent running in the wrong direction. 

workshop 1

workshop 2

workshop 3


A one page business plan for setting clear profit, time and lifestyle goals.


A simple, powerful budget calculator for defining your enough no.


A simple planning matrix for choosing the most aligned business model.

A one page system for developing a talkaboutable personal brand.


A calculator for reverse engineering into a product suite to achieve your goal.


Bonus: Map your Profitable Product Suite Workshop

the workshops

the bonuses + templates

Build a personal brand that stands out.

workshop 4


Define Your

Business Model Sweet Spot

Talkaboutable Personal Brand


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Agenda One Regular Italic
Editors Note Italic
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