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The Tipping Point: Why Success Isn’t Linear, the System for Scale and the Joy of the “Tipping Point”

November 19, 2024

In the past month, I experienced the “tipping point” in the leveraged business model I started building out from scratch 12 months ago.

All leveraged expertise-based models have them, IF YOU KNOW TO STICK WITH IT LONG ENOUGH TO GET TO THE MAGIC ✨

But, this isn’t always in line with the rhetoric online. 

We hear of “quick wins”, “six figure launches” straight out of the gate and unicorns who build their dream business in a year. 

And sure, with some business models, that may actually be possible. 

Take a service-based or freelancer business model for instance. 

You can build it in a day, book yourself out in a week and be making $10k in a month. 

The trade off? That the revenue comes at the expense of your time.. forever. 

When you’re creating a leveraged business model that ultimately gives you compounding revenue, high profit margins and MORE time back as time goes on, it’s different. 

There’s the decision to start.

Then, the build.

And then FINALLY, the tipping point. 

The tipping point is the inflection point where the work you have done up until that point starts to compound and snowball. 

Your revenue starts to really increase. 

Your time and the energetic lift starts to decrease. 

And all of the hard work starts to pay off.

But, it’s a process, and it’s in NO WAY instant. 

I think being more honest about this is only going to serve people, because they might then have more realistic expectations, stay in it for the long run and actually start to see the fruits of their labour over time. 

In today’s podcast episode, I am going to share a little about that process. 

I’ve followed this exact same process now for three iterations of my business.. and it’s the SAME EVERY TIME.

Here are the steps I followed over the last 12 months to get this iteration to the start of the tipping point.

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My 12 Month Journey to the Tipping Point

12 months ago, I committed to a new business model. This week, I completed the “up front build” and I started to experience the “tipping point”.

All leveraged business models will experience this.

Unfortunately, a lot of business owners don’t realise that this is how these models work and givup before they get there.

Here’s how it works: You do the up front work, where usually there is a “plateau”. Your revenue is pretty flatline with small increases, your content is pretty flatline because you’re so focused on building and you start to wonder if the hard work is worth it. THIS IS NORMAL.

And then, comes the tipping point.

My “Tipping Point” Results

Here’s what mine has looked like for me.

(Keep in mind that all of this has happened in 30 days, and will continue to grow from here on in, BUT that the seeds were sown over the 12 months prior).

1️⃣ Revenue Tipping Point

My revenue has more than doubled from the “maintenance months” before it.

This is obviously a “launch month” so its higher, but I run my business by considering all revenue as MRR, so it’s lifted this baseline significantly (for more on how I manage finances and smooth out revenue, check out this podcast episode here).

2️⃣ My Instagram following has exploded from 17.3k to almost 18k. This is directly a result of my pre-launch efforts, and focusing on top of funnel growth strategies in the lead up to my first launch.

3️⃣ My email list has grown by over 1829 NEW contacts. Again, this was a big focus in the lead up to my launch.

4️⃣ My Podcast downloads have quadrupled. This is a by-product of my audience growth, and intentionally funneling new email subscribers over to my podcast to build trust and rapport. 

Often, people see ONLY THIS BIT from others a few steps ahead, and wonder why they don’t have it yet. When actually, it’s a process. 

In Lifestyle Business School, we call this “Checkpoint Five”. 

It’s the START of the tipping point, but there are actually four checkpoints before it that ALLOW it to happen.

Here’s how this rolled out in my business over the past 12 months. 

Note that I have also covered this steps in this podcast episode on how to make $500k with a $2k offer, so if you want more of a deep dive you can also check that one too!

Below is more of a “personal journey” account. 

The Five Checkpoints to the Tipping Point

1️⃣ Checkpoint One: Aligned Business Model

I committed to building an aligned model.

This is something I absolutely HAVE NOT gotten right in the past. I picked a pricing model that aligned with my founder type, and I committed to making it work.

Choosing the right business model is mission critical, and getting it wrong is a fatal flaw in the very foundations of your business. For more on how to do this, check out this podcast episode.

2️⃣ Checkpoint 2: Offer Validation

I created an offer and validated it with sales. 

I did this almost a year ago to the day, using the same process that I teach in Create and Validate.

This involves building a list of aligned subscribers by running a super high value free mini-course, listening to the intel of your students to clarify what your core offer should be, and finally pitching it to them before you create it to get proof of concept.

For more on this process, check out this podcast episode.

Through this process, I launched Lifestyle Business School with ONE of the seven courses now inside (but a clear vision of what I was creating).

3️⃣ Checkpoint 3: Traffic System

In the months that followed, I focused on growing my email list. In marketing speak, this is called building a consistent top of funnel traffic system or in other words – getting in front of new eyeballs.

At the same time, I built a middle of funnel nurture system to build trust with those new subscribers and prime them to be ready to purchase from me.

4️⃣ Checkpoint 4: Sales System

In October, I put together a webinar launch and conducted my first “official launch” – exactly one year from kicking off the process. This is the point at which I finished building out the model (which is the hard work!).

My launch performed at “benchmark”, which means that it satisfied to data metric that is considered “industry standard” for a launch that performs.

5️⃣ Checkpoint 5: The Tipping Point

Checkpoint five is really the tipping point, and where all of the fruits of your labour start to pay dividends IF YOU STICK WITH IT.

Here’s the magic of checkpoint five: It’s where the flatline starts to hockey stick, and you are able to refine BASED ON A SIMPLE DATA SYSTEM to increase your time leverage, and increase revenue and impact. 

It’s where you have everything set up, it all starts to compound and you can quite literally start to work less and make more.

But, there is a PROCESS to it. 

Start the process now, and things could look entirely different for you in 12 months too.

Lifestyle Business School is the system I have created where I have documented ALL FIVE CHECKPOINTS in detail, so if you want the step-by-step – I have it!

Want the FULL system? Head over to my Instagram account and DM me the word “LIFESTYLE” and I will send you the link to the class I created breaking it down. It’s the same system I have used on MYSELF.

Keep Listening!

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