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1 Million Downloads, 20k Subscribers and 17k Instagram | Organic Reach Secrets for a Highly Profitable Business

January 31, 2023

Who needs to get more eyeballs on their business without spending a cent?

*Everyone raises hand*

It’s critically important, and even more so RIGHT NOW. Attention is currency, and the more you are able to command it, the more competitive you will be in the marketplace. From the very start of our business, we have relied heavily on organic strategies to grow our business. The power of doing so?

1) Increased Profit Margins: Having an organic audience means you can spend less on paid advertising — meaning higher profit margins for your business.

2) Higher Conversion Rates: Organic traffic converts at a higher rate than paid traffic, because there is a “know, like and trust” factor.

3) Fuels Paid Traffic: Having a paid strategy alone is no longer recommended even by paid ad agencies; complementing your paid ad traffic strategies with organic reach strategies helps to warm those leads up to “stick” and convert.

4) Avoid Commoditisation: A strong organic reach strategy combined with thought leadership content means that you can differentiate from others in your space and avoid your business becoming “commoditised”. People will want to work with YOU specifically rather than just any coach, course creator, etc. This also means the ability to NOT need to compete on price.

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Here’s 7 organic reach secrets to explode your organic growth in 2023:

✔️ Give More Than You Think

It can be difficult to know how much to give away, and how much to “keep” behind your paid containers. In the early days (and honestly, forever), the way to win is to give away MORE than you think you should. Deliver incredible value, share things so amazing people can’t believe you are giving it away for free, and do it without expectation. People will ALWAYS still need help with their own individual circumstances, and they will still pay to get things in a “step-by-step” system.

✔️ Have a Broadcast Channel

You need a podcast or other core content channel. End of story. Having a podcast or core content channel provides you with a media outlet for people to follow along with. It builds your authority and thought leadership and creates a body of work for people to “binge” when deciding on whether to work with you. It compounds and becomes MORE valuable with time and with every episode you create.

✔️ Share Your Unique Perspective

There is a big difference between “how to” content and tutorial style content, and sharing your own unique perspective. The former is commoditised, everyone is doing and you can get it everywhere. There is nothing that makes it unique or special, especially in a world where AI, ChatGPT and other apps allow a ROBOT to spit out that style of content at a level that most humans can’t! The secret is creating content only you can, and being brave and bold enough to share YOUR unique perspective on a topic. People will lean in and listen, and it will make you an expert and thought leader rather than someone just creating the same thing that everyone else is.

✔️ Create Your Dream 100

One of the best ways to grow your organic reach (once you have channels of your own setup) is to leverage other people’s audiences. The best way to do this is to consider your niche, and then brainstorm ten other niches that share the same audience but aren’t competitive with your space or niche. Then, make a list of all of the businesses, people and publications in those spaces and look for opportunities to partner. Lead with value for THEM, develop relationships first but make it a priority (literally, make it a ClickUp task to cultivate these relationships weekly). You will “leapfrog” and grow faster than simply building an audience of your own.

✔️ DM New Followers

Start conversations with your new Instagram followers. Be genuinely curious about how they came across you, and start a relationship. Don’t automate this — that’s not the point! This will help you 1) find out where people are coming across you so you can do more of it, and 2) find out what their problems are and start to develop a relationships so maybe you are able to solve them one day.

✔️ Searchable Content

SEO allows your content to be found in search, giving it longevity that extends far beyond the “first time” you post it. Our podcast is downloaded thousands of times a day from people who type something they are looking for into the search box and come across our episodes. It is, quite literally, a 24/7 engine that fuels the growth of our business. You can “help” this process along with a small focus on SEO — using Ubersuggest to find the right searchable keywords and installing Yoast to optimise the “blog” version of your podcast for search too.

✔️ Focus On It

Spend 3-5 non-negotiable hours a week on organic content creation and promotion. Growing your organic reach is similar to going to the gym — you need to prioritise it and have it baked into your weeks.

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