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200+ Clients, $2 Million+ in Revenue + Countless Client Results: We’re Sunsetting Launchpad! Here’s Why (And a VERY EXCITING Final Intake!)

April 18, 2023

April is a month of big, big news for The Course Cartel.

And in the second big announcement in less than a week, we’re sunsetting our FLAGSHIP group coaching program, Launchpad.



Don’t worry though, we will be finishing with a bang… with the opportunity to join us in a 6-month container for the very FIRST and LAST time ever!

In today’s podcast episode, here’s the 411 on our big decision and how you can join us before we sunset Launchpad… for good!

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

Let me preface this by saying that this is NOT a decision that has been taken lightly.

Launchpad feels like my baby!

In fact, it has been our ENTIRE business for coming up to three years now, and I am so passionate about the role it plays in helping course creators to create, launch and scale their flagship course. 

It is a “labor of love”, and has fulfilled my vision of a high-touch container for people to feel fully supported with personal reviews, calls and “all of the things”. 

In many ways, I have grown up as a business owner alongside this program. It forced me to level up in a way that digital courses didn’t, to serve people on a deep level and to fill a genuine gap in the market to really hold your hand through the entire course creation process.

Over the past week though, I have made a big, scary – but what I feel is going to be the RIGHT – decision.

To run one last EPIC six-month round of the Launchpad program, to serve our existing clients deeply… and then to provide space to reimagine what the next evolution of the business will look like.

It’s a Strange Time to Make This Decision

On the surface, it is probably THE strangest time to make this decision.

The program is the MOST successful it has ever been.

Our last launch was our BIGGEST after it’s initial launch.

We have consistently gotten 9’s and 10’s in the anonymous program feedback we do with our clients every three months.

We now have a bank of HUNDREDS of testimonials and success stories.

We’ve had SO many compliments on our offer suite, and how aligned it all feels post rebrand.

And we have refined our processes, systems and back end to be the most streamlined they have ever been.

So, why are we closing NEW enrolments for the program?

In a word, to give us space.

The Cost of Delivery

Launchpad is a high touch program that delivers a high touch experience to our clients.

And energetically, it takes BIG energy and mental space to run.

We are there for our clients big wins.

We support them through their hard times.

We personally review their work every single week.

We are on 1:1 milestone calls debriefing and holding their hand through every single step.

I am truly so proud that we have been able to deliver this level of support over the past three years.

BUT I also know that the mental energy required to continue to run this program at the current calibre and level will continue to require all of me, at a time when I am beginning to reimagine what the next “evolution” of this business might be.

And so, it’s time to take a beat.

Making Bold Decisions Is Scary… But Growth Doesn’t Come From Comfort Zones

This is a big, bold decision – the second I have made in less than a week!

But, truthfully?

Every HUGE leap I have ever made in business always has been.

It’s when I find myself “hiding” in safety and security that I know that it might, in fact, be time for a change.

That is EXACTLY where I find myself right now.

Launchpad is safe.


It is the centrepiece – really, the ONLY piece – of our business.

And yet, I have a yearning in my heart to mix things up.

Not doing so would be safe.

I have revenue projections, and a validated product.

But it would also NOT honour my biggest value… which is to follow my heart.

And my heart is telling me that I need to make some room for the “next season”, even without clarity on exactly what that is.

Honouring Launchpad with Our LAST Intake, Ever

Which brings me to some exciting news, if you have EVER thought about joining us inside of Launchpad.

Because, we’re going out with a BANG!

Here’s the deal:

Until now, Launchpad has been a 12-month program.

And truly, it DOES take 12 months to start from scratch and to begin having the big five figure launches you hear about in our testimonials.

But, I also know that 12-months – from time, money and “who-knows-what-12-months-will-bring” perspective – has made the program unavailable to some.

And so, I have decided to follow my own heart AND at the same time to give everyone who has ever had Launchpad on their heart – but whom haven’t (for time or financial reasons) been able to commit, to have an opportunity to follow THEIR heart and get their course out into the world too.

So, here’s the plan!

To allow us time and space to reimagine the next phase of business, we need to shift our focus from ongoing enrolments to serving our current clients EXCEPTIONALLY well.

And so, we will be running ONE FINAL intake of Launchpad with a twist:

It will be a SIX month container rather than 12, and of course as a result the program price will also be half of the current 12-month rate.

Oh, and?

This will be our LAST enrolment of Launchpad, ever.

We run this program in an incredibly high touch way, and though we aren’t yet sure of the next iteration of the business, one thing IS for sure:

If and when we ever run a program like this again with the same inclusions – onboarding, regular accountability and checkins, 1:1 milestone calls, weekly critique reviews, community – it will be at a higher price.

So, this will be the very last time to join us in Launchpad, and:

  1. It will be a six month container; and
  2. This is the LAST time we offer something this high touch at the current rate. EVER.

If you want to join, we’re hosting our VERY LAST live private training in mid May, and from there will be closing Launchpad enrolments FOREVER.

We will then focus inward, on delivering the BEST experience ever for our remaining six months of program delivery.

So, here’s the deal.

If you’ve EVER wanted to create, launch or scale a flagship digital course inside of Launchpad, apply NOW to secure your invite to our FREE private training where we will show you our signature framework for creating, launching and scaling a flagship digital course.

We will also make you probably the BEST offer we’ve ever made (and it’s available right now).

What’s Next?

You might be wondering what’s next.

And the truth is?

Even I don’t know.

But I am excited to have the time and space spend the next six months focusing inward on serving our clients, and the space to reimagine what the next intuitive step will be.

One step at a time, as they say…

There’s one thing I DO know for sure.

I am SO darn passionate about what I do and this industry… and I can’t wait to conjure up how I intend to structure the next iteration, whatever it may be.

Keep Listening!

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

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