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Behind the Scenes: 2023 Unwrapped 🎁

December 26, 2023

Do you feel like this year passed by in a blink? It feels like yesterday that I was tucking myself into bed at 8pm on New Years Eve (yes, 8pm).. and now here we are at the end of another shiny year.

Today’s podcast episode will be released on Boxing Day, and I hope this finds you happy, well and rested.

This period between Christmas and New Years Ever is always a time for rest and reflection before the ticking over of the calendar on 1 January that has us all looking forward. So in today’s podcast episode, I want to share with you MY year: the things I’ve learnt and what I am taking into 2024.

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2023 In Stats

Here’s a little summary of my 2023 in stats:

Podcasts: I created 52 podcast episodes.

I’m really proud of committing to not missing podcast episodes this year. When it comes to marketing and growing my business, this podcast is the BIGGEST needle mover, consistently.

And yet, just about every other year there have been times when I have “fallen off the bandwagon”. It’s easy to do when life or business gets in the way, especially because with something like a podcast it’s difficult to see the “immediate” impact that it has on a business.

For any expertise-based business, I think a podcast – or another authority platform like a newsletter – is essential. It builds authority and develops a relationship, and I would almost go as far as to say it’s a non-negotiable. For me, this year, skipping episodes has been a non-negotiable. The podcast GROWING isn’t in my control, but creating episodes is – and that is the one thing I committed to this year.

Next year, I am making big moves to GROW the podcast too – which will need more time, intention and effort into the strategy around this podcast.

Launches: I Completed Four Launches

This year, I launched four times.

Once in January, for my podcasting course.

Once in June, for the shutdown of Launchpad.

Once in October for the launch of Lifestyle Business School.

And once in November, for the SECOND launch of Lifestyle Business School.

Each launch felt completely different, and each served a different purpose. One thing I have definitely been reminded of is that the early launches of an offer are always SO MUCH more work and effort. Also, more is required of you from a mindset perspective – you aren’t sure how it’s going to go, the effort isn’t always worth the “outcome” and it feels hard.

Our final Launchpad launch was a BIG launch, and we ended on a high. It felt easeful, we had executed it SO many times, I had a lot of support and I knew it worked.

The Lifestyle Business School launches weren’t easy. They were the FIRST time I’d done it, and I didn’t know what to expect.

They required more off me in every sense – I had less support, everything was being created from scratch, we had tech issues.. there was a lot to it. I also needed to work harder; shifts in the economy meant launch stacking and doing back-to-back launches to reach my goals.

Funnels: I Built One Evergreen Funnel

I JUST slipped this in at the end of the year. I’ve just built out an evergreen funnel for Lifestyle Business School, and I did it in a day.

The game with an evergreen funnel, however, is ongoing optimisation, and so really the “work” with it is just beginning. The funnel is a diagnostic with a four part training on the back of it and an invitation to join the membership.

I will be focusing heavily on evergreen enrolments in 2024, and having this set up ready to start optimising in 2024 feels like a huge win.

Courses: I Create Four Courses.

I only realised this when I looked back on the year. WOW. In July, I built out Operational Elegance ahead of a secret high touch group that went through it from July. In August, Dream and Design. In September, Create and Validate. In October and November, Deliver and Delight.

I will be honest.

This has been the HEAVIEST part of this year.

These aren’t small offers. They are BIG, and they are full of templates, resources, EVERY process.. I have invested blood, sweat and (yes) tears into making them robust. This will serve me in 2024, but it has been a lot.

Next year, I will be spending January and February creating two MORE offers, and then something special coming in March too. I will also be updating our podcasting course and relaunching it, so there is more creation to come.

Once that is done, I will be focused on a template vault for Lifestyle Business School.

All of this is the up front product development required with a new offer, and it’s no walk in the park. I could have just put Launchpad into a self-study, but that isn’t what I wanted. I wanted to create the BEST curriculum in the world, and I am proud to say that I truly think it is. We are getting RAVE reviews.

Personal: A Brand New House, a Trip to Europe and a Completely New Business Model

On the personal front, it was only with reflection that I realised how “big” 2024 is.

One big personal project I have been focused on for two and a half years has been building our dream house, and we moved in half way through the year. I don’t talk about this or even post about it much as I don’t want to be one of those people, but sometimes I need to pinch myself. Yes, it took five years of hard work and sacrifice – but living in the RESULT of that is special.

I went to Europe, and that felt special. I want to travel more in 2024.

And, I switched business models. I talked about this more in a podcast episode a few episodes back, but I have ended this year with a new model and a passion for what I do again.

That feels like the most special of all.

Lifestyle Business School is my all in focus in 2024. Want to join, and start to soak in the goodness whilst you laze by the pool or the fire? You can get started right now

Want more? Here’s how we can help you:

  1. Listen to Lifestyle Business School — The Podcast: With over one million downloads and counting, get the behind the scenes strategy on how to how to package and market your intellectual property to build a leveraged lifestyle business where your value is divorced from your time. Subscribe here on Spotify or here on Apple Podcasts for new episodes every week.
  2. Download our FREE 76 Page Expertise-Based Business Diagnostic: Get Clarity on what to work on first or next to help you start or grow your leveraged expertise-based online business. Click here to get it for free.
  3. Join Lifestyle Business School Today for: Get the complete Operating System for starting or growing an expertise-based online business to the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot. Click here to join today. 

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