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Deciding Who is Legit, and Who Just Wants To Be Famous On Instagram

December 6, 2021

In today’s podcast episode, we are discussing the decision making parameters I use when deciding which coaches, suppliers and service providers to engage in my business.

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WARNING: Instagram is a fab tool, but there are also plenty of tools on Instagram using it to try to be fab (I was pretty proud of this lame quote 🤣)

So with that said, in all seriousness, these are are the decision making parameters I use when deciding which coaches, suppliers and service providers to engage in my business.

I hope they are helpful to you too:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  1. Assess their real life experience: Has the person DONE what I want to do? And more importantly, have they done it in the same way that I would like to? There are plenty of coaches learning from coaches and then teaching what they learn. Look for the ones who have actually DONE the thing, not just taught others how to.
  2. Watch them: Consume their content. Read their stuff. Listen to their podcasts. Do you vibe with it? Do they REALLY know what they are talking about? Do they have authority and influence, are they consistent and intelligent in their message and do they give you insights that isn’t just the same regurgitated online business knowledge being hashed and re-hashed by everyone?
  3. Consider how they treat you and others: Do they respond to you? Do you feel heard? If you enquire with them, do they respond? If you don’t experience this in the ‘sales’ process, you won’t as a client.
  4. Can others vouch for them? Do they have a body of testimonials, and a solid reputation in their industry? Do others recommend them in conversation?
  5. Do they want to help people, or be famous on Instagram? Instagram is a fab tool, but there are also plenty of tools using it to be fab. There are a lot of “Instagram famous” people who aren’t what they seem in real life.
  6. Are they honest about the journey? If you’re thinking of working with a coach in 2022 (and I highly recommend you do, because you business leapfrogs in direct proportion to your competence), please for the love all of things good and mighty, choose a coach that is HONEST about the journey.

Overall? Be careful; not everyone is who and what they seem.

Do your research, and don’t always judge a coach or supplier by their Insta-worthy cover.

PS Enrolment for Launchpad’s Jan 2022 is closing tomorrow. If you’re ready to create, launch and scale your digital course in 2022, pick me. Pick US. We care: THAT I can promise you. Head to and we will send you a recording of the live private training we hosted on Thursday with the full framework and an honest Q+A with ALL of the details.

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