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Anita Siek

How to Get Leads from Social Media + How to Write Killer Social Media Copy with Anita Siek, Wordfetti

February 8, 2018

I have had the pleasure of meeting SO many people through social media.

My partner Jules thinks it’s strange but I THINK IT’S THE BEST.

Anyway, Anita Siek is one of my Internet friends (as Jules calls them). She owns Wordfetti, an online copywriting house specialising in disruptive and thought-provoking copy. Having launched her business at a very similar time to my own, she generates most of her leads from social media and I had to chat to her more about that.


There is so much goodness in this episode with Anita, including:

  • Anita’s background as a lawyer and how she came to start a copywriting business.
  • How she generates most of her leads from Facebook and Instagram.
  • The importance of using social media to be, well, social.
  • Her view on scheduling social media in advance – and it’s an interesting one!
    How to write a killer social media caption, and the difference between captions for Facebook and for Instagram.
  • The formula (or otherwise!) of a great Instagram bio.

If you like this episode and you’re on an Apple device, I would be so grateful if you could take two minutes to leave a review. More reviews mean more visibility for the podcast and help me spread the social media good word!

‘Til next time.

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