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Stevie Dillon

Expectation v Reality: Recapping My 2023 Season of Monster Change

November 21, 2023

Pre PS Our Black Friday deal is live. Get Operational Elegance bundled into Lifestyle Business School for the duration of your membership. This is a 99% saving on the original price of Operational Elegance (which was originally sold as Legacy for $20,000 in a high ticket format). Get it here.

Let me tell you: The way I THOUGHT this year would go, versus the way it went? WORLDS APART.

This week marks my birthday, and my business birthday, and it’s always a time of reflection.

On the years gone by, what worked, what didn’t and what I want to do next month, next year, next SEASON.

This year, I have grown as a person, as a mother and as a business owner.

It wasn’t always easy – making big, courageous decisions never are – and it wasn’t always fun. Growth, especially in self, is usually uncomfortable. But I’m ending this year feeling proud.

Of myself. Of this business, and the impact it continues to make. And more than anything? I feel excited for the future.. but in a more grounded way than ever before.

In this week’s podcast episode, I’m recapping the year that was.. and what’s coming next. The theme?

Expectation v Reality; because let me tell you that absolutely sums up 2023 for me.

My expectation in January vs where I’m sitting now?


And, for the better.

Let’s dive in:

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1. Business Brand v Personal Brand

  • Expectation: Growing a big business brand, scaling beyond myself and ditching personal brand.
  • Reality: Feeling uncomfortable with the “trappings” of a scale business, unaligned with building a big team and uncomfortable with the realities of being a business brand online.

My big learning and takeaway here is that the model of business I am in is very, very difficult to scale with public facing team. I did it successfully, and still it wasn’t something people necessarily “liked”. Even when switching from personal brand to business brand, people still wanted me – and trying to scale a high ticket program that way just isn’t sustainable or possible.

2. Having it All v Enoughness

  • Expectation: The ultimate signpost of business success is million dollar plus years.
  • Reality: There is so much power in defining your enough, and intentionally optimising your business to give you more of what you want. Success ISN’T success if it doesn’t give you more of what you want.

I’ve spoken a lot about my “all in” focus on lifestyle business this year, and it has resonated with so many of you. I STILL have big goals and dreams, and will not be in any way settling. But every decision this year has been focused on achieving that in alignment with the LIFE I want. The biggest decision of this year business-wise for me was closing Launchpad.

On the surface, it was wildly successful. It has delivered wild results. And when I made the decision to close it, it was off the back of our biggest launch ever (after which we had a final launch, which was even bigger). NOT an “on the surface” clever decision. My accountant thought I was crazy, my family wondered if everything would be okay.. and I had a deep knowing it would be.

3. Super “Highs” v Boring, Beautiful Consistency

  • Expectation: Success means big launches and the “highs” of huge influxes of sales.
  • Reality: A consistent, sustainable business built with recurring revenue, steady growth and maintainable momentum for the win.

I used to THRIVE off the back of big launches. My years would be spent preparing for them, then delivering and then serving big groups of clients on the back end. Only, that came at the expense of a business that was able to thrive month after month, with boring, steady consistency. My ENTIRE ethos has changed. My last launch wasn’t a $400k launch.. it was a $22k launch, and GOSH it felt good. It’s a number I will consistently build upon, and that I will see grow over time.

4. “Their” Version of Success v What Feels Good to Me

  • Expectation: Continuing to build a super high ticket group coaching program.
  • Reality: Going back to the things that light me up, embracing my inner creator and building a business that feels just right for me.

In many ways, my business is returning to the way it was in the early days. Creating fun things, building courses, tinkering with funnels and sharing all of that too. I am a creator at heart, and I have big plans for 2024. Personal brand will be huge for me, and off the back of that will be one very exciting project in particular. I also want to secure brand partnerships, grow the podcast, grow my social media and email newsletter and make my Lifestyle Business School membership community the ONLY place for expertise based businesses with the BEST resources and curriculum going.

5. Right NOW v The Long Game

  • Expectation: Thinking that “this ONE launch needs to do EVERYTHING for me, and if people don’t join now I’ve missed out”.
  • Reality: Playing the long game, and chipping away to build something that everyone will join, eventually.

Lifestyle Business School has been my big project this year. My all in focus (and it’s only just beginning). The exciting part for me is that I know what’s coming, but not everyone does.

My ethos around it is that the earlier you join, the better the deal you get but I just KNOW that those who haven’t joined YET.. will. I am adding EVERYTHING to the membership, and I am excited to continually integrate the promotion of it into what I do every day. I will be promoting it as a natural part of my content creation flow, it will be always open so you can join any time, and it will work beautifully with the work I do on the front end of the business for those that want to go deeper.

I don’t feel a sense of urgency right now, and with everything that is coming I have a deep sense of knowing that people will join eventually, even if not now.

6. Releasing the Business Building Shoulds

  • Expectation: Continuing to approach email marketing, the podcast and “marketing” in the same way everyone else does.
  • Reality: Switching things up. Going deep. Focusing on quality interactions. Being personal and resonant.

I am releasing the business building shoulds towards the end of this year. Examining everything that we are ticking the box on, and instead looking at it through the lense of how to inject magic into it. Watch this space, because there is more to come here..


  • Our Operational Elegance program (last offered for $20k);
  • Bundled with Lifestyle Business School (includes five programs totalling $8,800 in value, plus a community, upcoming template vault, private podcast and a free Kleq six month subscription worth $1,200 – total value $16,000).

For 99.9% off JUST the price of Operational Elegance alone.

In total, it’s $36,000 worth of value (Operational Elegance + Lifestyle Business School). Click here to join.

Keep Listening!

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