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How Kura Grew Her List By 6,000 In Less That Three Months With a Virtual Conference

June 2, 2021

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

“Grow your email list” – they say. Which is FINE, until you’re trying to cobble together lead magnets, landing pages and an ads budget to do exactly that, only to find that your list grows by a couple of new subscribers a days (if you’re lucky).

If you have an online business, you already know that growing an email list is one of the MOST encouraged revenue-generating activities for your business. But if you’re listening to this episode, you likely ALSO know that it ain’t exactly a walk in the park.

So… what if I told you that you could grow your email list by 6,000 people in LESS than three months.. without a big ad budget or a single lead magnet?

Because, you can.

At least, Kura did!

Kura is the owner of the Cool Career, the ultimate career guide for inspiring girls to follow their dreams, make radical decisions, and leave a positive, but disruptive impact on the world around them. In 2020, with Covid having shattered her plans to run in person workshops to help further her mission, she turned to an online virtual conference to promote her business and her purpose.

In less than three months (and with some huge roadblocks in the process), she put together CareerCon, a two-day virtual careers conference that provided education and inspiration to 3,900 students.


In this episode, we break down the behind the scenes of her virtual conference, including:

  • What a virtual conference is, and how you can benefit from one;
  • How she managed to secure big name sponsors and her ultimate dream wish list of keynote speakers;
  • The approach she taking to pitching, and why it’s so successful;
  • Why every ‘yes’ requires a tonne of ‘no’s’ (and how to get over the fear of rejection and failure to do it anyway);
  • The strategy she used to grow her list to 12,000 people and double it in three months (and what she would do differently next time; and
  • The mindset blocks and upper limit issues that followed the biggest successes in her business.

Keep Listening!

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

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