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Nicki and Vicci

How Nicki and Vicci Made $120k in 7 Days With Their ‘Industry First’ Digital Course

March 22, 2022

Want to know how Nicki and Vicci made $120k in less than 7 days with an “industry first” course idea?

From a Wildly Successful nature play business to a digital course teaching others how to create their OWN Wild Play business, Nicki and Vicci had a truly life and business changing first launch inside of our flagship program Launchpad last year, and they are now positively impacting not only the trajectory of their own business, but their family and all of the students they now serve in their flagship program too.

In today’s podcast episode, we break down exactly how they did it!

Nicki and Vicci are highly experienced teachers, business owners, changemakers and Forest School educators who are passionate about all things nature play, risky play, adventurous play and especially a child’s right to play. With over 30 years of teaching, guiding and educating behind them, ranging from the state school system to marine biology, outdoor recreation and of course, their own successful business, Wildlings Forest School, these ladies have the depth and breadth of knowledge to be able to help you create, grow and scale your own wildly successful nature play business.

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Here’s what we cover:

  • [2.35] Why they wanted to create a digital course: When Nicki & Vicci realised they had potential to help other’s create a centre just like their bush kindy, they decided to swap out the constant questions and contact from potential clients into a course that ultimately gave back freedom and time with their own children.
  • [6:09] The vision and bringing it to fruition: 12 Months ago, after being shut down through Covid, Nicki & Vicci took a leap of faith, created a vision board and plan, and went all in with their first ever wildly successful podcast.
  • [08:54] Going from a podcast to a digital course: We spoke about how they went from no fan-fare, no marketing plan, no templates, no messaging, and no audience growth to launch a number one podcast, and how they decided on a course as their next step.
  • [12:19] On taking a gamble and selling out their Foundation Round in 24 hours: We talk their fears prior to launching their offer (“No-one else is doing this! Is this a red-flag or a huge potential?”) and how in 24 hours they’d sold out their foundation round.
  • [14:19] Wondering whether they could achieve a valuable transformation without 1:1 time: Before joining Launchpad Nicki & Vicci worried about whether they could provide a valuable trnsformation without 1:1 time. After some soul searching they decided it was the ONLY way to ensure they would not geographically isolate themselves and could deliver to an international market.
  • [16:38] How the Launchpad foundation round process helped them: Testing the market was the sure way to to know whether the offer was right. It took two instagram stories, one post, no mailing list, no google, no ads, and just a few DMs on Instagram to sell out their foundation round.
  • [26:27] Launching & overcoming imposter syndrome: We talk about the big mindset beliefs that can hold you back.
  • [33:10] Kicking perfectionism to the curb: Nicki & Vicci reflect on how paralysing perfectionism can be, and that starting with a messy launch is absolutely OK, leaving room to refine and learn for next time.
  • [37:21] Setting launch goals: How having a number in mind played havoc on Nicki & Vicci’s mindset, and how the deadline of doors closing had people knocking down the door last minute, doubling their initial goals and profits.
  • [40:00] How they pulled off a $120k launch in 7 days: Nicki & Vicci talk about how the weight has been lifted, how they don’t have to financially worry anymore and can literally do this from anywhere. How they’ve influenced their community, become role models for their children, and legislatively changed outdoor recreation and evolved education in general. 

Are you ready to create, launch and scale your flagship digital course in 2022? Head to to apply for our 12 month, high touch group coaching program. 

Follow Our Guests, Nicki and Vicci

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