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How to Create a Course or Program That Delivers an Epic Transformation

June 14, 2022


“Say whhhaaaa?!”, I hear you say.

Yep, it’s true.

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s currently 2022 and we are SWAMPED with more information than we can poke a stick at. Literally, just about everything we could ever possibly want to know is just a Google search away (I actually feel for the people who used to do pub trivia in 2004 before access to a mobile phone, so that they could cheekily Google the answer to every question under the sun (cough not that you would do that, because that would be cheating)).

The secret to a rave-worthy digital course or program, therefore, is NOT more information.

The SECRET (drum roll please 🥁).. is transformation!

In today’s podcast episode, we break down the secret to creating an epic course or program that delivers a tantalising transformation in the most efficient way possible, step by step.

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

Here is the five part roadmap for delivering an epic course or program:

1️⃣ Articulate the Transformation

The transformation your digital course provides is the journey that your student takes from where they currently are (let’s call it problem-ville), to where they want to be (promise-ville).

The secret to a tantalising transformation?

Specificity, and the ability to articulate both where they currently ARE and where they want to BE even better than they could themselves. Why?

  1. When you can accurately frame and articulate a problem, there is a psychological perception that you are equipped to solve it; and
  2. If you can’t do this in a way that speaks to a specific result, there will be ambiguity in terms of what that person is actually buying.. and a confused customer walks away.

Here’s the process to follow:

1. Articulate and frame the problem

Step one is to articulate and frame the problem that your offer solves. This requires an intimate understanding of the psychographics of your perfect fit student.

2. Articulate and frame the desired outcome

Step two is to articulate and frame the desired outcome that your offer solves.

3. Inject specificity (time, outcome, resources)

Step three is to ensure that the transformation is as specific as possible. If you were standing in front of a judge and he asked you to prove whether a student got what they were promised, what would be the pieces of evidence you could proffer?

2️⃣ Define the Modules

Your course modules are the steps that your student needs to complete in order to achieve your promised course transformation. Aim for between 4 and 8 modules (there are no hard and fast “rules”, but for a flagship course this is a good rule of thumb).

Every module should be a key step that moves your student along towards the promised transformation.

If there is a module that isn’t critical to achieving the desired result; cut it out (it might be a good bonus instead!)

3️⃣ Define the Lessons

Your lessons are the action steps within each of your modules that enable your student to complete that step and move onto the next. Aim for between 4 – 6 lessons in each of your modules (again, there is no hard and fast rule but this is a good guide).

If there is a lesson that isn’t critical to completing the module; cut it out.

4️⃣ Define the Learning Outcomes

Your learning outcomes are the tangible outcomes that each lesson delivers. They make it explicitly clear what your student should be able to do or know by the end of your course. They will ensure that every lesson in your curriculum takes the student one step closer to the big transformation; and equally, that lessons don’t contain “fluff” and instead are actionable and achieve a quantifiable result.

To be effective, learning outcomes need to be crafted in a very specific way. Here are the key elements of a “good” learning outcome for your course lessons:

✔️Measurable: There must be a way to assess whether the student has reached the outcome. Using vague terms like “understand” or “learn” are no nos.

✔️Specific: They must define a clear outcome – “build your six-step evergreen sales funnel” over “create a funnel”.

✔️Action-Based: They must start with an action word or verb.

5️⃣ Define the Delivery Method and Implementation Tools

Decide on the best way to DELIVER the curriculum to deliver the result, and what implementation tools would help to facilitate the transformation more quickly.

Helping our clients craft an epic course that delivers real results is something we do with our clients inside of our Launchpad program. We literally hand you the step by step roadmap for creating a comprehensive curriculum outline, and then show you how to take it and create the course itself, step by step. Click here to apply.

Are you ready to create, launch and scale your flagship digital course in 2022? Head to to apply for our 12 month, high touch group coaching program.

Keep Listening!

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

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