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How to Get PAID to Grow More Leads and Sales Than You Can Poke a Stick At!

April 8, 2022

If you’re a service provider, coach, expert or course creator who needs a simple, effective system for effortlessly ascending your social media followers, email subscribers and audience into your offers, and finally generate the income and impact in your business that you desire and DESERVE to be making — this episode is for you.

We walk you through the same strategy we’re now using within our own business to generate more leads than we can poke a stick at.

Here’s how it works:

First, you’ll craft a no fuss, “TAKE MY MONEY” digital product offer

That delivers incredible value at a low price and that perfectly complements (read: doesn’t cannibalise), and perfectly leads buyers into your other services or digital products/programs.

This will be a workshop + template bundle (even if you’ve never created one before) to strategically develop know, like and trust with your new buyer, solve a quick and painful problem and prime them for your core offer/s.

Then, you’ll package it up in a way that gets complete strangers beating down your digital door to get in on the action.

Next, you’ll build a simple sales funnel with all of the steps, pages and assets – including sales page, check out page and purchase thank you page – to sell on auto-pilot. Your selling system will become an automated qualified lead generation machine that will fuel the growth of your business.

Finally, you’ll execute on a no fuss, high impact launch plan to both get a quick cash injection from your product and to effortlessly funnel your new buyers into perfect fit students and clients for your higher priced offer/s.

The result — you’ve created for yourself an asset that will do all of the heavy lifting to generate more leads than you can poke a stick at and turn strangers into customer FAST. From there, you create, scale it.. automate it.. and use it forever more as the primary means of generating new buyers for your higher priced offers.

Intrigued? Listen in, where we break down the full process step-by-step.

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