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How to Increase Engagement on Your Facebook Business Page in 2018

May 1, 2018

If you’re struggling like every single client and business owners that I speak to with Facebook engagement then this is absolutely the episode for you.

So, let’s dive in!

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If you’re wondering how on earth you can increase engagement on your Facebook business page in 2018, you’re not the only one.

The common consensus amongst the clients and business owners I speak to?

That their Facebook business page is a barren engagement wasteland, and that they are OVER talking to themselves.

There’s no likes, no comments and no engagement on their page, and they’re over it.

Some businesses have stopped posting on Facebook altogether, which quite frankly break my heart.

Here’s the truth.

Organic, non-paid engagement on Facebook is getting harder and harder to come by.

In order to do well, a post on Facebook must now encourage ‘meanful interactions’, which means that Facebook-ers must like it enough to write a sentence or two in the comments about it.

It’s tough, and so Facebook requires new strategy and tactics in 2018 in order to guarantee business page engagement and cut through.

So, what if I told you that I have a killer little secret strategy that I use to increase engagement on Facebook business pages AND that I’m feeling generous and that I’m happy to share it with you guys today?


It’s not often that I share actual tactics – I usually save it for my consults, courses and paid offerings, but I think this is one you guys need.

I want you to fall back in love with Facey!

So, here goes.

STEP ONE: Create a video.

In order for this strategy to work, you need to put together a little video and post it on your Facebook page.

But, not just any video.

In order to increase engagement on your Facebook Business page, the video will need to do three things:

1. Provide Value.

This isn’t the time for promoting your service (or your product). This is the time to help, entertain, whatever.. As long as it’s interesting for your target market.

This isn’t the time for promoting your service (or your product). This is the time to help, entertain, whatever.. As long as it’s interesting for your target market.

For example – if you’re an accountant, film a quick 30 – 60 second video with three ways you can save $100 this pay period.

If you’re a plumber, a video on your top trick for saving money on your water bill.

If you’re a real estate agent, three things you MUST do before you list your home for sale.

2. Be contextual.

This video needs to be fast-paced, with the first three seconds containing some visuals that make people pay attention. Make it in a square in format if you can as it works best on Facebook, and has more screen real estate than the typical 16:9 format.

There is a HEAP of free video apps you can use to put this together on your smartphone.

Use captions and edits to keep people entertained. OR keep it simple and use Facebook live (because Facebook LIKES you doing that) and keep it fast paced and packed with value.

3. Be relatively short and sweet.

No longer than a minute!

Here’s an example from business education expert Jack Delosa.

Jack Delosa Facebook Business Page Engagement Video

STEP TWO: Post the video.

Post the video on your Facebook page as per usual.

STEP THREE: Set up a Facebook ad audience of people who watch the video.

This is where the magic starts to happen.

Using Facebook ads, you can do something called ‘remarketing’ [note: never used Facebook ads? Then have a read of this first for some Facebook ads 101].

In plain english, ‘remarketing’ allows you to set up an audience of people that have already watched a certain percentage of your video.

You can choose the percentage – for example, people who have watched 3 seconds, 10 seconds, 25%, 50% and so on.

For a video under a minute long, I would recommend setting up an audience of people who have watched for 10 seconds or longer.

Facebook Ads - Business Engagement

This is long enough for them to be interested if they haven’t yet clicked away!

STEP FOUR: Promote your video.

This where you will need a little bit of a paid ad budget.

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The amount will depend on your resources of course, but I would recommend at least $30 – $40 a week.

Set up the video with a ‘VIDEO VIEWS objective’.

Facebook Video Views Objective

Target it to your ideal clients. This should be people in your ideal target audience that you haven’t yet been in contact with. Cold prospects.

And send it live!

STEP FIVE: Create more content and serve it to your remarketing audience.

This is the icing on the cake.

Once your video ad has gone live and starts getting shown to people within your target audience, the people who watch more than 10 seconds will be collected inside your ‘remarketing’ audience.

To increase engagement on your Facebook business page for you OTHER posts, all you need to do is to start producing some more valuable, quality, NON-salesy content and post it consistently on your business page.

Then, at the end of every week, you’ll need to jump into your Facebook insights and pick the posts that have performed BEST.

Engagement on Facebook Business Page

THEN, sponsor THOSE posts to your remarketing audience with some paid spend (at least $5 a post).

This ensures that your BEST content is getting seen by an audience of people that have watched more than 10 seconds of your original video, and that are as such already potentially interested in what you do.

By doing this, you are continuing to provide the right people with VALUE by serving them MORE content that they might also like, too. It’s all about developing your relationship with them online.

The result?

You’ll find that some of those people start to ENGAGE with your content. They’ll start to ‘like’ your Facebook business page to receive more, and if you continue to do this over time, some will pick up the phone and want to do business with you too!

It’s a great way of combining organic Facebook strategy with a little bit of paid spend to ensure that your content efforts aren’t falling on deaf ears.

It’s a surefire way of increasing engagement on your Facebook business page.

Trust me guys, this tactic works.


Keep Listening!

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