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How to Make $500k Within 24 Months With a $2k Offer (Detailed Step by Step)

October 22, 2024

Today, we are going to walk through the EXACT steps for growing a leveraged, expertise-based online offer to a very specific revenue amount. 

I want to make this really practical for you, so I will be specific with the numbers: 

The goal? Get to a replicable $500k year with a $2k offer. 

The first year is set up, the second year is going to be where we make it happen. 

Both are important – and I will explain why knowing THAT is important, too. 

And PS — this isn’t even a hypothetical either, because this mock scenario closely mimics my EXACT path over the past 12 months of rebuilding my business. 

So, here goes! 

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1️⃣ Step One: Start With the Right Model 

You need an aligned business model that is capable of making $500k – with one important addition.

It needs to be capable of happening with the constraints that would make it worth it for you. 

Because, everything has a cost. And, all the money in the world isn’t worth it if it doesn’t also give you more of what you want. 

For example, for me that means $500k with the following constraints.. 

$500k, AND:

1) Very high profit margins: 

Because, what is the point of $500k if you can’t keep most of it?

2) 5-hour days: 

Because, not all revenue is created equal. A lot of people take the “quick” path to profit, meaning they give away all of their time to make their goal revenue. 

This is the easiest path to cash, but everything has a cost. The better way? 

To slow down a LOT and instead build leveraged assets where you can make your goal revenue WITHOUT sacrificing your time or lifestyle long term. 

3) Aligns with your founder type: 

Because, why build an offer that feels heavy to deliver on? Instead, commit to building the offer that would feel like a joy to run because it aligns with your founder type. 

Examples:  Don’t bake in a zillion Zoom calls if they drain you. Don’t create a low ticket offer if you hate marketing. And, so on. 

2️⃣ Step Two: Do an Offer Validation Launch

The best way to get the certainty and time you need to build out a new offer is to make sure people want it before you create it. 

Do an offer validation launch that doesn’t require an email list, and sell a handful of spots to get paid to make the space in your calendar to create. 

Build it out live, and be clear to your new clients/students that it won’t be perfect. 

3️⃣ Step Three: Build Email List

ONLY at this point should you start to grow an email list.

Why? Because you know what your offer is, and you can ensure that you are bringing the right people FOR THAT OFFER into your list. 

This means that you will need fewer leads, because they are highly targeted. 

When committing to grow an email list, build it backwards. 

We are in a trust DESERT right now, where people need to trust you (they’ve been burnt) before buying from. 

So, start this process by building out a 14-day strategic email nurture sequence. This will prime the people you get onto your list, and get them to know you, like you and trust you (if you do it the right way). 

Then, create a sexy and suuuuper valuable lead magnet. 

Don’t skimp, make it AMAZING and give your best stuff away in a strategic way that primes them for your main thing. Don’t worry about giving too much away (this is bad advice) at this point you need to OVERDELIVER.  

Finally, drive traffic to the lead magnet. 

The easiest way to do this right now, in my opinion? To post on Instagram every day and promote the lead magnet. 

Bonus points if you hook up Manychat to deliver it. 


To get there faster, you could also make a list of 20 other places, people and publications that have your audience and use them to get your lead magnet in front of them. 

4️⃣ Launch Sales System

Pick ONE launch style (plot twist: THEY ALL WORK). 

Pick a date to launch, and commit to it. It won’t be perfect. 

Do the hard work of creating all of your assets. Do the hard work of putting yourself out there. 

Be kind to yourself, you are doing this for the first time and the ACTION you take is the most important thing at this point. 

Complete the launch, give it your all and look objectively at the result. Ignore the revenue you made. If over 3% of your leads buy, you’re really in business. 

5️⃣ Grow Sales System to $500k

This is the key, and where the magic happens… buuuuut most people self-sabotage at this point.  

One of the following happens: 

🪄 They think all of the work to this point was too much, so they give up. 

This is sad because: This is ACTUALLY the point where the work LESSENS, because you have done the hard work of creating everything. It can be the inflection point where the work LESSENS, but the PROFIT INCREASES – if you keep going!

🪄 They start again, and go all the way back to number two (often, over and over again) with a different offer.

This is sad because: This then puts them in a cycle of perpetual hard work, never getting to the MAGIC of this model! You can still reach your revenue goal with this approach, but it’s the “brute force” approach, and means you never experience the time leveraged, “hard work once” magic of this model. 

🪄 They have misaligned expectations: After one launch, their revenue result doesn’t match their expectations of what they “should” have made based on the work they did. They give up, or consider the launch a “failure”. 

This makes me sad because: This kind of emotional decision making usually doesn’t reflect the TRUE outcome of a launch. Often, the launch was ACTUALLY an objective success and is capable of being scaled, but the founder didn’t know what to measure the outcome by. 

🪄 They stop selling after the first launch: THIS HAPPENS SO OFTEN. The founder launches once, and then stops. And of course, if you aren’t selling – you won’t sell! 

This makes me sad because: It’s so easily fixed by simply committing to simple 90 day plans with consistent selling mapped out on them. 

As long as the founder can avoid these traps, this is where the magic happens. 

The process in this step is to:

a) Commit to a sales model: Take the same launch and commit to a sales model that suits them as the founder. There are a few to choose from, they all work – the goal is to pick one, and commit to it. 

b) Create a 90 day marketing plan: Then, map out each 90 days period with the selling activity that suits the sales model the founder has decided to commit to. 

c) Take the action: Commit to the plan. 

d) Track sales results and ONE PARTICULAR MAGIC METRIC: There is ONE key metric to track to scale your sales system to the revenue goal. 

Simply track that number for EVERY sales campaign you run. 

Do the action. Track the result. 

Work to increase it by: 

a) Increasing conversion rate

b) Increasing average order value

c) Increasing lifetime value

Once the ONE PARTICULAR MAGIC METRIC is “viable” – meaning, that you can BUY leads for at least three times LESS than you make from them, scale with paid trafffic…

Repeat until you hit $500k. 

The timeline: 

Month 1 – 6: 

1. Validation Launch

2. Grow to 500 Subscribers

3. First Launch

Month 6 – 12:

4. Two more launches (one each quarter) 


You have your machine dialled in, and this is where you can start to reliably make sales. 

Month 12 – 24: 

Launch One: 15 Sales

Launch Two: 30 Sales 

Launch Three: 60 Sales

Launch Four: 120 Sales. 

You are tweaking and growing each time.

 You are tracking and optimising the ONE PARTICULAR MAGIC METRIC.

And honestly, this is realistically how it happens. 

The success isn’t front loaded. 

But.. most don’t know this. 

And even if they do.. they don’t know HOW to do it. 

This is how I have grown my business over the past year.

I’m pretty savvy with the process now, having been doing it for seven years.

If you commit to this, it’s a reliable “system” for reverse engineering into any number. Sure, there are things to tweak along the way, but the steps are repeatable and predictable.

It’s how you can set yourself up to make $500k in a year.. Or any other amount in any time period you wish. 

It’s not magic, though – it’s strategy. 

Keep Listening!

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