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Stevie Dillon

New Business! New Brand! New Podcast! New Mission! Introducing The Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot

November 15, 2022


Our new business brand, The Course Cartel, is hellbent on achieving it, in living in it, and in helping other like-minded, ambitious good humans live in it too.

It’s our ethos.

Our unique approach to “doing” online business.

Our mission.

And now, the focus of our 2.0 Podcast, aptly ALSO named the “Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot”.

Today heralds the beginning of our new era as we introduce our NEW podcast to you, and just as importantly, our NEW business brand. The mission across both is the same; to cultivate a collective of people all aligned towards a common goal:

The Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot — An impactful digital course business earning $250k+/year profit, working 5-hours days, with a mostly clear calendar and a lean, remote team.

We’re NOT one of those businesses that sugarcoat the work to get there:

From start to finish, it’s a three to five year journey.

We’re also not for everyone, and that’s okay.

Maybe scaling to the moon is more your jam? And if so, all power to you!

Maybe you’d rather follow and work with someone that sugarcoats and glosses over the hard work required in the early days. And if so, there are plenty out there.

But if you’re ambitious, capable and willing, and you value a business that will ultimately grant you freedom, impact and happiness over relentless scale at any cost, we’re for you.

In today’s episode, we share more about the ethos behind the new brand and how, no longer content with being “just another course business”, we’re boldly stepping into our UNIQUE place to make REAL waves and a big difference.

Welcome to the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot. 

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

In this podcast episode, we share:

✔️ The BIG Opportunities We Saw to Stand Apart

In a crowded online course space, we began to realise that there was so much of the same. BIG promises. “Female only”. The lack of a clear path and honest expectations. We knew that we needed to stand apart, and we saw a clear opportunity to do so.

We’re for ALL people, we’re not female specific, and we want to work with people who KNOW that digital courses are work and are willing to roll up their sleeves and do it.

We also wanted to align our mission to a common goal. For us, that’s the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot – a place we feel reflects the freedom, flexibility and happiness that so many of us started our business for in the first place.

So often, we chase goals that aren’t aligned with the reason that we started our business for in the first place. Or, we end up following PEOPLE that don’t align with our goals, and we end up off course, unaligned, stressed and wondering what happened.

By being crystal clear on the endgame you’re working towards, you can choose to work with a business that is aligned with that. So, we’re shouting OUR endgame from the rooftops.

✔️ How We Intend to Serve You Through the Entire Journey

In our program Launchpad, we help current and aspiring digital course creators to create, launch and scale a flagship digital course. In many ways, it’s the hard part. We’re with you as you craft an offer, build your audience and turn your idea into a viable business.

Is it easy? No.

Is it worth it? Well, from someone five years in, I can finally tell you HELL YES.

Once you’ve built your four key pillars – audience, offer, course and selling system – and they are optimised, we recognised that your needs shift. To fully guide our clients into the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot, we have realised the need for a higher level container to cater for the messy middle.

That period in which you’re “successful” to a degree but you’re still working so hard, your new level is bringing with it new devils and simply “googling” or following a curriculum isn’t enough to serve your next-level needs.

We saw value in bringing together a collective of people all aligned towards our common “Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot” goal. Where you can be in rooms having next-level conversation, where you can access resources to grow the BUSINESS behind your offers, and where other “high-level” online education businesses are congregated. The container I want for MYSELF.

And so comes Legacy. We’ll shortly be waitlisting this offer, and it will grow SLOWLY. But, it will fulfil our mission to help people reach and live in the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot – not as a program “guarantee”, but as a collective of people all aligned towards and learning from each other as they reach for a common “endgame”.

With Launchpad and Legacy together, we can serve you through the entire three to five year journey towards the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot, if you so choose. We want to work with fewer people, deeper and create REAL ripple effects of impact as we do so.

✔️ Our Clarity Around our Values

As we grow and evolve, one of the biggest reasons for our rebrand is to reflect the BIGGER mission I have for this business. For a long time, I have been immensely passionate about the tremendous opportunities given to us in this digital age to pull more time, freedom and happiness from our lives and businesses with an online business.

Starting The Course Cartel was, for me, quite simply life-changing.

At the same time, I don’t WANT it to be just about me. Really, it never was. There are too many coaches coaching coaches, using their revenue results to reel people in but never really making a ding in the universe beyond their bank account.

As we ideated the next iteration of our business, my number one mission was to make a difference.

It forced me to focus deeply on my values, and how, if I were to make our mission bigger than ME, I wanted them to shape the future of the business.

Ultimately, I wanted this business to have purpose OVER just profit.

As course creators, we are uniquely placed to make waves of impact that extend far beyond our bank account. Every ‘leveraged’ dollar that isn’t reliant on our time represents a step toward more time, freedom and happiness in our own lives, more quality time with our family, more freedom to do the work we truly love, and the unique ability to create ripple effects of impact as we serve our students  and transform THEIR lives with the transformations our courses facilitate.

I wanted to lean into that. And so, deeply entwined into The Course Cartel is the concept of freedom, and of making waves.

For us, that means a focus on quality over quantity in our offers, in our focus on delivery and in our approach to business. But also, to create waves of impact for OTHERS too.

We have partnered with B1G1 to ensure that every time one of our Launchpad clients makes a dollar from their course sales, we create impact too.

Our Impact Commitment: For every two freedom dollars that our Launchpad clients make from the sales of their Launchpad flagship online course, we will give a day of life-changing access to education, food or clean water to someone that needs it. 

Our FIRST goal is 1 million days.

Our vision? Is for more people to live ON PURPOSE in the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot, doing what they love and making ripple effects of impact doing it that extend far beyond the time, freedom and happiness they generate in their OWN lives.

✔️ The Podcast

And lastly, that brings me to this podcast. The Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot is an endgame, and this podcast is committed to bringing you conversations that align towards helping YOU achieve that goal, too. Online courses, creating a profitable lifestyle business over relentless scale at any cost, becoming a thought leader, authority and micro celebrity in your space through marketing, social media and podcasting, building wealth as an online business owner, lifestyle design… time, freedom, impact, happiness. We hope you’ll love it as much as we are lit up by it, too.

And So, There You Have It.

A (small) introduction to our new podcast, to our new brand The Course Cartel and to our overall mission – to help MORE people live in the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot – with an impactful digital course business earning $250k+/year profit, working 5-hours days, with a mostly clear calendar and a lean, remote team. Not to mention, making waves of impact and experiencing life-changing freedom as you go.

In an online course world that perpetuates false promises of “passive income” with zero work, that is obsessed with relentless scale and “more, more, more” at any cost… and which often results in burnout, broken dreams and businesses that aren’t aligned with the reason the owner started it in the first place, we’re committed to forging a different path. 

One that prioritises freedom and happiness. 

One that focuses on building a business that creates real impact and feels just right for YOU.

And one that doesn’t sugarcoat the (hard) work to get there. 

Welcome to the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot.

Keep Listening!

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

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