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Our BRAND NEW ‘5-Hour a Week’ Marketing Plan: Revealed

January 24, 2023

No one wants a marketing plan, but EVERYONE wants to make more money, right?

And even more so, they want to do it in a way that doesn’t mean posting 132 Instagram stories, labouring for hours over their next Instagram post, wasting precious time trying to come up with content ideas and dropping BIG money on ads with no ROI to show for it — right?

And that, my friends, is the power of a simple, powerful marketing plan.

So, let’s breakdown the process we used inside of our own business this year to build out a marketing plan in an hour, and to then spend no more than 5 hours a week making it come to life.

This is the strategy we will be using to further establish our authority and go-to status in our industry, to ensure that we are attracting perfect fit clients into our business and to create a bulletproof attraction system that brings BOTH new people into our ecosystem and primes the ones already in it to purchase from us.

You ready?

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To summarise the ‘deep dive’ in this podcast episode, here’s what you need to know:

✔️ Where a Marketing Plan Sits in the Full Ecosystem

Your marketing plan DOESN’T exist in a vacuum.

To create one, you first need to know your revenue goal, your offer suite/product ecosystem and the launch, promotions and sales system you will be focused on. These things will ensure that your marketing plan is laser focused on helping you to achieve that outcome, rather than the “spray and pray” approach.

✔️ Front-End Marketing Is Only One Component

Although this podcast is focused on front-end marketing, it’s important to realise that the “front end” of your business is only one “part of the puzzle”.

Between 30% – 50% of our revenue comes from “back end marketing”, and specifically serving our existing clients and customers really well, so that they want to continue to work with us.

✔️ Data Focused

We are very clear on the number of leads and applications we require to reach our revenue goals.

We also know the marketing channels that perform best for us, because we closely analyse the client journey that our clients and students go through prior to purchasing from us.

Every time someone joins our Launchpad program, we ask them where they found out about us, and after every launch we look at the client journey of every single applicant and enrollee to see how long they have been on our email list, what they have downloaded or opted in for and previous products purchased.

This has allowed us to make informed decisions about the marketing to “double down” on.

✔️ Our Chosen Marketing Channels

Based on our analysis, we have decided to focus on doing just a few marketing activities REALLY, REALLY well.

Some are focused on attracting NEW leads into our ecosystem and GROWING our audience, some are focused on warming up people already in our ecosystem, and some (I’m looking at you, podcasting!) do the heavy lifting and achieve both!

Here they are:

👉🏻 Podcasting

Podcasting is, hands down, the most impactful marketing activity we do in our business.

An overwhelming majority of people have come to us from our podcast, and our key area of focus will be on GROWING our existing podcast.

To date, podcasting has been something that we just ‘do’, and it has sometimes slipped off the radar in heavy delivery periods. Our key focus for this entire year is to significantly lift the number of downloads we get on the podcast, and to do that we will be investing heavily into its growth both from a time, financial and quality perspective.

Our podcast will also be the “core content” which will be repurposed across our social channels, with an ethos that “all roads lead back to the podcast”.

I truly believe that having a podcast is the MOST powerful organic marketing channel out there.

Our Launch Your Wildly Successful Podcast course is currently available for $200US off until 3rd February! Opt into our free Podcasting Masterclass here if you’re keen to see our full podcasting process (and use the code PAY499 at the check out if you want the course too!).

👉🏻 Ads to Paid to Grow Offer

One thing that we know for sure is that our Paid to Grow offer warms people up for our higher level programs like nothing else.

We will be running “year round” ads to this offer, with all spend offset by the purchases of that offer and a strong funnel leading people into our signature programs following purchase.

This is the first strategy we will be using to get in front of “new eyeballs”.

👉🏻 Ads in Launch Periods (Remarketing Only)

Because our Paid to Grow ads will be getting new leads into our ecosystem year round, we will be focused on “remarketing only” ads during launch periods to help fill up our launches and promotions.

👉🏻 Guest Podcasting

To complement our increased focus on growing our podcast, and because we know what a powerful platform podcasting is in “warming” people up to be ready to purchase; we will be focusing on guest podcasting as a key strategy in 2023.

This is one of the BEST ways to grow our own podcast, and to get in front of new eyeballs, but there is an art and science to it (side note: we lay out our entire guest podcasting approach inside of our Launch Your Wildly Successful Podcast course).

👉🏻 Short Videos/Carousels

We will be repurposing a lot of video content from podcasting, coaching calls and other “video” we do on Instagram so that we have a more consistent presence on the platform.

We will be supplementing this with carousels.

👉🏻 Email

We always send at least one email to our list with a detailed written blog post style outline of our podcast episode, and we will be promoting this more as the way to join our list.

✔️ KPIs

We have clear KPIs around each of these marketing activities, so that it is clear what “success” looks like and so we can change our approach if the way we are doing it isn’t achieving our goals.

✔️ Workflow

We have covered our workflow in a previous podcast episode, which is linked here. For us, it works really well to have time “baked” into the week to create content, and then one “recording” day a month to create any recorded videos or podcasts from the content drafted during the month.

In terms of the work I personally do, I spend 3 hours on a Friday outlining podcast episodes (like this outline right here!), writing captions and the like for carousels. It then sits in our project management system for team to create graphics, edit the podcast and do all of the thing that don’t require “me”!

So, there you have it! Our brand new marketing plan, revealed. As you can see, we’re keeping it simple and intentionally so. You don’t need complexity when putting this together, and in fact complexity will likely hinder you.

We’ll report back on our progress!

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