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Stevie Dillon

Revealed: Our Full Back End Set Up Process For A Brand New Offer

January 23, 2024

Want to know EXACTLY how we went about setting up the back end of a brand new offer?

Not just the theory, but the here’s-exactly-how-we-did-it nitty gritty?

Your wish is my command! Today, I’m breaking down the exact process I followed to set up the back end of our membership, Lifestyle Business School.

Whether you are thinking about creating a new course, program or coaching offer, or you already have one and it’s feeling a little scattered, we will share how to build or refine your back end infrastructure so you can:

Deliver well..

Streamline your business operations to give your time back..

And, provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are building intentionally and with excellence in mind.

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Here’s our Full Back End Set Up Process For A Brand New Offer:

This is the exact process WE followed in setting up Lifestyle Business School.

STEP ONE: Set Up For Success

Step One in building out a new offer is, of course, clarity on the offer itself and the deliverables you will be including in it. This creeps into offer creation, something we cover in depth in Create and Validate inside of Lifestyle Business School, but it’s important to mention here too because stand out deliverables are a NECESSARY pre-cursor to stand out delivery.

a) Decide on Offer Deliverables

Don’t create your deliverables randomly, or by looking at what others are doing!

Instead, do this:

Consider the transformation your offer is going to provide; or in other words the A – Z solution you will be providing.

Then, brainstorm ALL of the possible deliverables that could assist to achieve that transformation and solve the problems that your potential buyer might have on the PATH to achieving that transformation.

For example, if your offer helps mums to make healthy lunches for their primary school kids, one possible problem might be that they HATE anything new.

How could your offer help to overcome that?

Perhaps, you could include a deliverable that promises that every recipe is fun AND healthy.

OVERSTACKING an offer with deliverables, thinking that the “stuff” is what makes it valuable (and sometimes, ending up self sabotaging by increasing the TIME, EFFORT and SACRIFICE required to facilitate the transformation and de-valuing it).

b) List Out What Else You Need to Deliver

The contracted deliverables of your offer are just one part of the work you will do in the back end of your business.

There will also be other “admin” related tasks.

Managing missed payments (we covered this in last week’s episode 231).

Customer service.

Collecting testimonials.

In our membership offer, it includes things like processing member cancellations, and member onboarding.

List out everything ELSE that will be required for you to deliver your offer.

c) Create a Benchmark and KPI For Each Deliverable

To deliver with excellence, you need a benchmark for what success looks like.

Think about what experience you want to create for your buyers.

And then, where possible, assign a metric to TRACK that.

For example, in our business, we track the following:

  • Member churn
  • Member engagement, and specifically forum logins and portal logins, and completion rates
  • Testimonials received

STEP TWO: Build Out Your Offer

Once you have your deliverables, desired experience and benchmarks, you can begin to build out your offer.

My approach when putting together a new offer is to build it out in the order happens.

For example, when building out Lifestyle Business School, the order looked like this:

1) Product Development: Curriculum was required READY for launch, so that came first;

2) Buyer Delivery: People then began purchasing, so I ensured that all elements of the buyer delivery process were built out and refined. For example, I built out the member portal, welcome email automation, welcome zapier automation and Client CRM.

3) Deliverables: Once members were on board, we had deliverables to fulfil, and I started building out the infrastructure for each one as they came up. For example, when our first call was coming up I put together an SOP for managing calls, collecting questions, how to run a call, scheduling call reminders and the link.

4) Offboarding: This is what happens when someone exits one of our offers. For us, this means a member cancellation. I didn’t even LOOK at this until our first member cancelled, and then I built out a full process, along with different paths and options to come back.

(Side note — We share ALL of our processes, SOP and automations for each of the above inside of a brand new course being added to Lifestyle Business School this month called Deliver and Delight. To join Lifestyle Business School and get access, click here).

The process I follow for refining the deliverables process is this:

The first time I deliver something, I document what I am doing, messily. I know the process is likely to change, so I don’t create beautiful and perfect SOPs straight away. I just take notes on what I am doing.

Once the process is fairly “set”, THEN I record myself completing the task.

My assistant will then create an SOP from the video.

STEP THREE: Continual Improvement

The truth is that NO offer is perfect the first time you run it, or launch it – and that SHOULDN’T be the reason you delay starting.

Start now, and start messily.

It’s the reason I always recommend that my students run “foundation rounds” the first time they launch an offer; meaning that they run the offer at a reduced rate and TELL their buyers that it will be the first time it is running.

This gives you the time and space to iron out the kinks prior to the “main act”.

Over time, you will refine your offer.

It’s why KPIs and metrics are so important, because they give you benchmarks and data on what is important and what delivering with excellence looks like.

If you aren’t hitting those benchmarks, you can then start to implement strategies to improve each and every month.

For example, community engagement is one of our benchmarks in Lifestyle Business School.

Building the BEST community of expertise-based online business owners is important, and so we measure and track engagement.

Because we have kicked off in a community forum, it naturally takes a little longer for engagement to “catch fire” than in a Facebook group, but we know the pay off is worth it.

And so, we have tracked and measured engagement every week, and we implement strategies to improve.

For example, we have a January forum engagement challenge running to help people get over the fear of posting in a new community and cultivate the habit of doing so, and it has significantly improved our metrics.

If you would like a podcast episode on building community, I’d love to create one so reach out in the DMs and let me know!

So, there you have it.

This is the EXACT process we have used in our own business to set up and streamline the back end of our Lifestyle Business School membership.

If you liked this episode, and you would like to do the same for a new offer OR for an existing offer in your business, I have two things for you.

Firstly, a done for you example of a standard operating procedure we use in our own business. I like to think of standard operating procedures as the scaffolding of your business back end. If you want a sneak peek at what one of ours looks like so you can use it to craft your own, click here to get a copy of our internal Failed Payment SOP template.

And secondly, if you want ALL of our back end delivery templates, we have a BRAND NEW course dropping into Lifestyle Business School this month called Deliver and Delight.

Deliver and Delight is the FULL playbook for implementing stand out, streamlined delivery processes for any high or low touch course, program, coaching offer or mastermind.

In it, we hand you our done for you workflows, standard operating procedures and automations for the three phases of managing any online offer. To join Lifestyle Business School this month, click here.

Links and Resources Mentioned in Episode:

  • Free Failed Payment SOP: Get the exact Standard Operating Procedure template we used to recoup failed payments in our online business. 
  • BRAND New Deliver and Delight Course just added to Lifestyle Business School: Deliver and Delight is the FULL playbook for implementing stand out, streamlined delivery processes for any high or low touch course, program, coaching offer or mastermind. We hand you our done for you workflows, standard operating procedures and automations for the three phases of managing any online offer. 

Want more? Here’s how we can help you:

  1. Listen to Lifestyle Business School — The Podcast: With over one million downloads and counting, get the behind the scenes strategy on how to how to package and market your intellectual property to build a leveraged lifestyle business where your value is divorced from your time. Subscribe here on Spotify or here on Apple Podcasts for new episodes every week.
  2. Download our FREE 26 Page Expertise-Based Business Diagnostic: Get Clarity on what to work on first or next to help you start or grow your leveraged expertise-based online business. Click here to get it for free.
  3. Join Lifestyle Business School Today: Get the complete Operating System for starting or growing an expertise-based online business to the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot. Click here to join today. 

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