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Alex Richardson

Starting with Why and Launching an Online Program (and Business) You’re Proud Of with Alex Richardson, Duo Pilates

June 21, 2018

In today’s episode, I interview Alex Richardson. Alex is the owner of Duo Pilates and creator of the soon to be (re)launched 12 week online pilates program, ‘The Duo Pilates Method’.

Instead of writing an introduction to this podcast, I thought I’d use Alex’s own words:

About 8 months ago, I started my online business and was opened up to the world of e-commerce and all that comes with it ????
Starting out, I had no idea what I was in for! “Sell an online Pilates program and some pilates equipment….that should be easy enough.” ????????
Needless to say, that was far from the truth! It has by far been the most challenging thing I have done in my business and has absolutely tested me mentally and physically, particularly in the last few weeks.
Reflecting on the last 8 months since I originally launched, I realized that in the beginning I was too ambitious and I got impatient. As a result, I took short cuts, didn’t spend enough money and took satisfaction in ticking off the to do list without giving each task enough thought.
I learnt A LOT from that experience and decided that what I produced was not in line with my purpose. SO….I decided I would just re-do it all…eek!
Over the last few months I have been working away at releasing a new Pilates Program and rebranding Duo Pilates in the process which I am super excited to launch in the coming weeks!
This time around I am much prouder of what I have produced and I am 100% confident that it is in line with my purpose and not what I think would sell. I also know with 100% confidence that my program has the ability to improve someones quality of life.
Whether it sells now or not, I can be 100% confident that I made this program true to me and to the best of my ability.

Alex’s program launches in 4 weeks, and I couldn’t wait to interview her all about the process she went through it bringing both it, and her business, to life.

So, let’s dive in!

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Alex’s story, and her journey from being a nurse to starting her own Pilates studio;
  • The law of attraction and the impact it had on Alex’s decision to start a business;
  • The importance of mindset in the early stages of business ownership;
  • How setting up systems and processes has given Alex the freedom to leave the business;
  • Alex’s decision to leverage her time and start an online business + the mistakes she made when she first launched;
  • The CRITICAL importance of knowing your purpose and how it transformed Alex’s business;
  • How to incorporate your purposes into everything you do;
  • How giving massive value is the secret to building trust and becoming an attraction business;
  • How Alex has incorporated consistent content creation into her business;
  • The type of content that Alex produces and how she comes up with ideas for topics;
  • The importance of building an audience before trying to sell an online offering;
  • How Alex has used guest blogging + how to go about approaching brands if you’re interested in doing;
  • The importance of investing in good quality photography, videography and graphic design; and
  • Creating a product you’re proud of.


Keep Listening!

Listen On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

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