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The Digital Marketing Tools That Have Changed My Business Life

July 3, 2019

When you work in digital marketing as long as I have, you start to play favourites. 

Favourite tools, I mean.

There are certain digital apps and tools that give me love heart eyes. 

They just make my life so much easier, and some? 

Well, I quite literally couldn’t do business without them.

In this episode of the The Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot podcast, I break down the digital marketing tools that have changed my business life for the better. 

Who doesn’t love a good list of new tools to check out, right? 

Or is that just me #StageFiveGeekAlert

If you want a full list of all of these tools and few more thrown in for good measure too, I highly recommend downloading my Ultimate Digital Marketing Tools checklist.

So, let’s dive in!

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Here’s what we cover:

  • Online Marketing Tools
  • Social Media Follower growth

Blog Post

Online Marketing Tools

I need to mention this one first because without it? Well, I wouldn’t have a business, full stop. 10XPro is like the swiss army knife of online marketing, because it literally does everything.

So, what do I use it for? 

Well, it hosts my online courses and programs, for one.

It is also the software that I use to set up marketing funnels – aka selling systems – to take my audience from social media double tappers and podcast listeners all the way to customers and clients. If you’re not familiar with sales funnels, well, you’re probably not getting the results you want on social. Essentially, they are taking people on a customer journey from stranger to bestie. They’re shaped like a funnel, because there’s a whole heap of strangers at the top, and you lose people along the way. 

An example of a funnel is taking some from a podcast episode, to a free opt in via a landing page where they leave their email address, to an email or series of emails, all of which moves them further along the customer journey to a sale. 

These can be simple or complex. 

And they’re a big part of the reason that I love 10XPro.

Not only are my digital tools and products housed there, but so are the marketing funnels that lead to them. 

Over time, I’ve been able to start off small, and build a growing empire inside of 10XPro. All of their funnels are drag and drop, all of the tech is sewn together for you, and as you grow it grows with you. It’s the most advanced software out there, but it’s simple and easy too. 

I can see things like the exact percentage drop off rate at every step of my funnels, so I can fix the leaky bucket. 

I can set up links for different traffic sources, and it literally tells me where every sale and lead has come in from so I can adjust my marketing.

I’m also a proud partner of them, and you’ll probably start hearing some promo for them on the podcast at some stage – something I rarely do with other brands, which is kind of proof of how great I think they are. 

If you ever want to get serious about online products or passive income in your business, and/or you want to build funnels that actually lead to sales – this is the tool. 

Head to for information $100 off per month, free coaching and some other pretty epic little bonuses

The tool that I use for my online Social Media Shop, and that I recommend that every eCommerce store owner use for theirs. 

Now, I can only speak for it’s ease of use and HUGE array of features and plugins, but it has made the creation of a shop easy for a newbie and that is good enough for me. 

The other thing I love about Shopify? How easily it integrates with Facebook for the purposes of running Facebook ads. You can set up the Facebook Pixel and feed your catalog of shop products to Facebook for ad purposes essentially at the click of a button. Considering how powerful Facebook Advertising – and in particular, remarketing – is for eComm brands, that’s a very cool thing. 

This is the website platform that I used. If you have ever checked out my website before, you’ll know that it’s SUPER spesh. I have both my designer Sian and Showit to thank for that. Showit is an app that sits on top of WordPress, and it basically allows you to do a LOT of cool design stuff that you can’t achieve in WordPress. I’m obsessed with it. 

Facebook Ads

This is a tool that enable you to install your Facebook Pixel easily on any WordPress site. For those that aren’t techy, this is a godsend.

An incredible tool for researching who and what to target with your Facebook advertising. 

If you have dived into your insights yet, well you are missing out. Note: Only available if you have more than 100 active users, but it will give you invaluable information about who your audience follows, which pages, their other interests and more. If you want a mini-tutorial on Facebook Audience Insights, you are going to want to check out the free Social Media Bootcamp and Lesson One in particular. 

Social Media Follower growth

Now, followers aren’t everything but if I know you, I know you still love quick, easy tips n’ tricks for increasing that following. 

This is a templated email signature that allows you to create sexy email signature with links to your social media accounts, to your podcast or blog RSS feed and more. It’s completely dynamic and is a great, easy way to increase your social media following. 

Milotree is a little pop up that you can install on your website that invites your website audience to follow you on your social media platform of choice. My following grew really consistently as a result of using this tool, it’s pretty cheap and you can set it up in a couple of minutes. 

Social Media Scheduling

This is the Instagram Scheduling tool I recommend. It’s clean, it allows me to move my phones around to see which I like, it allows me to save hashtags, I can schedule from desktop, and it’s good a clean UX. 

The other Instagram scheduler I would recommend is Plann. These guys are Australian, and I love what they are doing in the tech world. They also have some very cool features that Planoly doesn’t NOT have, like the ability to plan out your strategy and content from within the app itself. You can also do hashtag research and learn which ones will give you the best reach. 

The only reason that I haven’t moved is that they didn’t offer desktop scheduling until recently – but they do now! 

  • Facebook Scheduler

Facebook has the ability to schedule from right within the platform itself. It prefers when you post native content and the best way to go!

If you want to get maximum mileage out of your social media content, I recommend this social media tool. It allows you to recycle your content, it can be posted multiple times without you needing to manually do it yourself. 


Canva is free graphic design software that I, hand on heart, could not live without. It allows me to create on brand social media graphics, opt ins, everything. I’m not sure what business owners did before it existed. 


  • Bitly

A very cool tool for shortening your links, and for tracking them. Simply add a + to any Bitly link to see how many clicks it has had.


The Mac command for emojis on your desktop. You can thank me later!

This tool is great for create short video, including for podcast episodes. 

Allows you to download any video off Facebook onto your computer. This is very handy for repurposing Facebook lives and the like!

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